Erasmus + and exchange students

Polytech Lille has established partnerships with a number of universities in Europe and outside Europe in the different fields of engineering.

Every year, Polytech Lille is pleased to host exchange students from partner institutions for one semester or a full academic year.

You can become an exchange student if your home institution has a student-exchange agreement signed with the University of Lille and more specifically with Polytech Lille for study abroad programmes or placements within our school.

There can be specific bilateral agreements, Erasmus agreements or inter-country exchange programmes such as FITEC programs for Brazil, Argentina and Mexico or BCI programme between France and Quebec.

Terms of admission

– Exchange students who wish to study at Polytech Lille should first contact the international office at their home institution. Erasmus + students’ nominations will have to be sent to :

Nominations coming from partner universities outside Europe will have to be sent to

– You mobility project must be approved and confirmed by your home university.

– Language requirements : level B1 in French (according to the Common European Reference Framework for Languages). Level B1 in English

Application deadlines

Admission process

Students have to mention “Polytech Lille” for “Host Faculty” and the engineering field they are interested in. To apply for a study period at Polytech Lille, the following documents are required:

Learning Agreement (can be downloaded from the website)

– Transcripts of records from yor home university (in English, Spanish, Italian or French)

– Photocopy of passport or identity card and one photograph (passport size)

– Language certificate : official test or «  langage requirements form» which can be downloaded from the on-line registration web page, completed and signed by a language teacher at the home institution

– A resume (CV) and a short written statement about your current studies and your motivation to complete your studies at Polytech Lille (please upload these documents in “additional documents” section)

Exchange students should have completed at least two years of undergradutes studies before applying for a study period at Polytech Lille. They may choose courses among the 7 degree courses in engineering (from the semester 5 to the semester 10) offered by our school.

The application is subject to an academic assessment. Once the application has been officially accepted, a letter of acceptance is issued and sent by e-mail to the student as well as to the international office of the partner institution. The letter of acceptance is suitable for visa request in the home country, when necessary.

The Engineering studies

The French engineering degree “diplôme d’ingénieur”is awarded after 5 years of higher education. It is equivalent to a master’s degree in science of engineering according to international standards.

These 5 years are divided into 2 cycles with no intermediate degree (no Bachelor delivered), however it follows the recommendations of the Bologna process:

Where to find the courses ?

Please be sure to choose courses that are offered at Polytech Lille, and not those offered by other faculties at the University of Lille.
Polytech Lille has adopted the European Credit Transfer and Accumuluation System (ECTS) with a workload of 30 ECTS credits each semester (including langage classes, team projects, courses of marketing, communication and social sciences and internships in industry or research laboratories).

A detailed presentation of each engineering degree courses is available.

The list of courses is available here :

The courses are mainly taught in French.

It is recommended not to choose classes from different engineering degree courses or semesters because of incompatible timetables.

Language courses

The classes are mainly taught in French. Therefore a level B1 in French according to the Common European Reference Framework for Languages is required.

French classes are proposed to exchange students fee of charge as part of the curriculum (20 hours each semester) but not for beginner learners.

For those who need a refresher course before the beginning of the semester, the COMUE (inter-university regional structure) organizes every year a fee-paying French summer intensive courses called « International Academy »

Exchange students coming for a project in a research laboratory or for classes taught in English are not required to speak French.
The minimum level of English proficiency required is B1.

Academic calendar

Information sheet

Grading system

Visa requirements

Medical Cover and Insurance


Un nouveau directeur à Polytech Lille

Nicolas Burlion succède à Guy Reumont


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